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Austria and Her Neighbours

Escarpment Probus Club
Travel Date : October 10 - 20, 2017
Tour Details

Tour Highlights
This is a delightful, relaxing program featuring a two-centre holiday in Austria. First a 4 night stay in Bregenz, the capital of Voralberg, lying on the southeastern shore of Lake Constance on
the westernmost tip of Austria.

Then we cross to the eastern region where we spend 5 nights in Graz, Austria’ second largest city
and capital of Styria.

From these two centres, we will explore the country of Austria as well as her neighbours including
Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Slovenia.

Daily Overview
DAY 1 – Depart Canada
Day 2 – Zurich – Bregenz
Day 3 – Bregenz – Germany
Day 4 – Bregenz – Liechtenstein / Switzerland
Day 5 – Bregenz – Schwarzenberg
Day 6 – Bregenz – Graz
Day 7 – Graz
Day 8 – Graz – Styria
Day 9 – Graz – Slovenia
Day 10 – Graz – Styria
Day 11 – Return to Canada