1.888.923.9183 tourdesign@glpworldwide.com

Tour Design & Probus

memorable travel experiences

Where It All Began

One of AMA Waterways ships on the Danube

Our first trip was for the Mississauga South Probus Club, arranged between myself and Mr. Neal Black, the Mississauga Events Director. We did a group of over 70 on the Danube from Budapest to Prague with AMA Waterways. This particular cruise is a spectacular five-star experience for first-time river cruise passengers, and we set the bar high for other programs to follow!

The tour was two weeks. Our final dinner was organized by Mr. Gordon Dreger, vice president of GLP Worldwide Travel & Tours, who was living in Prague at the time. It was a stunning success, located along the river and featuring a fabulous dinner, amazing jazz band, and plenty of wine for all

We all enjoyed ourselves thoroughly, and since then we have done a yearly trip with the Mississauga Club, covering a number of amazing destinations all over the globe.

In May of 2013 we ventured to China and Tibet, which included our final dinner on one of the gates at the Great Wall of China. The admission was closed for the day which left our group of 68 the rare opportunity to climb and enjoy the Great Wall alone. Dinner was catered again with copious amounts of food and wine.

Then we did a charter on the Mekong River, including north and south Vietnam, Cambodia and Hong Kong.

One of the most memorable trips of all was In October and November, 2015 when we did a safari to Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar. We brought three separate groups totalling over 100 passengers, and it was truly an experience of a lifetime. Everyone on safari saw all the cats, the big five, and all the animals. We had some truly fantastic guides.

The gang in Halong Bay, Vietnam

Experiences, Friendships & Memories

The crew in Cape Town with Gord

If I had to sum up what has been so wonderful about traveling with our various crews of Canadian Probus members, I would boil it down to a like-mindedness around experiences and conversation. We have travelled together in groups as small as 24 and as many as 125 and it has created some great friendships.

I love the adventurous spirit shared by the Probus members and their desire diverge off to expand their experiences. Their enthusiasm is contagious and today I have many recommendations today of destinations that other clubs have successfully presented to their membership.

The Team

I’m Fran Bulley, President of Tour Design. Along with my friends and partners at GLP Worldwide, I started Tour Design with a specific focus in mind: providing memorable travel experiences to multiple choices of destinations, with a particular focus on serving group travel.

I have been honoured and delighted to work with six Canadian Probus clubs for nearly a decade, and the numerous trips we’ve done together capture the kind of spirit of travel that I want to share with the world.

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